Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hey, Howdy!

I feel compelled to have this first post of a fresh, new blog say something pithy, something important, something that will live for time immemorial. Or at least as long as this blog which, let's face it, may only see the light of next Wednesday.

Instead, it's 1:30am Arizona time (not Mountain -- we're special out here, you see) and I'm exhausted because, quite frankly, I'm old and no longer an extreme night owl. Thank goodness.

So why am I up so late? Because this idea has been brewing for a few days. And I love nothing more than a new project. So much so my head started spewing ideas the moment I tried to lie down and calmly distract myself with an old movie. I utterly failed.

So here it is: The Grand Idea, thanks to an off-the-cuff comment by an old friend who said I should really "write up all of [my] crazy, lovely nonsense." A chronicle of life choices, generously sprinkled with storytelling. Things, places and people I love. My current obsessions. How I've gotten to where I am which, although far from perfect, seems to be working pretty damn well for both me and my lovely husband.

I'm not one to sit calmly by -- though I've learned to enjoy a good settin' spell now and then. Instead, I hunger for the most life can give to me. To gobble up every moment. To enjoy and capture both the highs and lows, since without both you can't understand true pleasure. I admit that I am greedy -- not for things, but for experiences, tastes, emotions. And that's not a bad thing. A never-ending quest for a unusual life full of wonder is a mighty nice way to live.

I'm glad you're here to share in the greedy delight.

Originally published on 4/22/2011

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