Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Nerdtastic Thrill of Meal Planning

Those who know me -- and for those who plan to stick around, it will soon become painfully obvious -- accept that beneath my street smarts and Midwestern charm lie a huge nerd who loves nothing more than to sort, scheme and plan. It explains my seemingly opposite career paths to date: communications and librarian.

As evidence: This past Sunday, I happily spent four entire hours planning two weeks of dinners for the Brit and me, making a shopping list, and finding what deals I could to bring the total cost to a bearable level. Once complete, I triumphantly showed The Plan to the Brit and he...well, he humored me and at least said it all sounded "tasty enough" before returning to his latest fix-it project.

This Thursday afternoon, I've excitedly set aside time to re-sort the freezer and refrigerator. Not so much clean them (I don't clean. Much.), but just put like with like; toss anything that's starting to evolve independently; and make more lists! of what we have in stock so we can use it up.

This ongoing project thrills me no end. Perhaps because the last few weeks of my life have been chaotic due to outside obligations, this return to order is the aloe vera to my burnt adrenal gland. It's a place where I can say things truly are in their place -- where there is a comforting predictability and a moment of zen in the kitchen most every night to simply create. If only for the two of us.

(Did I mention I don't clean? That's the Brit's job and I'm forever grateful that he washes up so I can bask in the glow of that day's project without worrying about pesky real-life details like scrubbing.)

Tonight, blessedly without the usual dash-about, make-a-freakin'-decision, "Crap! We're out of...let's see...chicken?!", we dined on crunchy herbed parmesan chicken with sauteed greens and two dipping sauces. A glass of rosé. Mini brownie sundaes, too. On our patio, underneath oversized fairy lights, during a surprisingly cool late spring Arizona evening. And life was everything it should be: content.


  1. Go you! What a dream to have a well-organized kitchen and pre-planned meals.

    You are a wonder - and clearly on the way to domestic goddesshood!

  2. Thank you, love. Not so much a domestic goddess, but I'm doing my best to make my house a home -- for me and for others.
